For the third consecutive year, KONE has been ranked among the top 100 most innovative companies in the world by the U.S.-based business magazine Forbes. KONE’s ranking rose to 37 (42). Of the European companies listed, KONE is ranked as 12.

As the Forbes ranking demonstrates, innovation is one of KONE’s key success factors. “Our aim is to deliver the best customer and user experience. Passion for innovation is an integral part of our culture,” says Matti Alahuhta, CEO and President of KONE Corporation.

KONE has been an industry forerunner with its innovative solutions for several decades. For example KONE was the first company to introduce machine-room-less elevators in 1996. KONE’s latest ground breaking solution is its new high-rise elevator hoisting technology, KONE UltraRope(TM), enabling future elevator travel heights of 1 kilometer – twice the distance currently feasible.

Forbes magazine’s ranking is based on a metric called the “Innovation Premium”. One of the developers of the metric is Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen.

The list of world’s most innovative companies can be viewed on

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